Come visit us for an authentic Australian experience you won't forget.

If you're calling from overseas please check the time difference as this is our home number. You can compare time zones here. Woodleigh's time zone is Australia - Queensland - Brisbane.
Directions from Cairns
1. The simplest way is to follow the Kennedy Highway (National Route 1), which runs all the way from Cairns through the Atherton Tablelands and to the Woodleigh Station turnoff.
2. About 22 kilometres out of Ravenshoe, turn left at the white 44-gallon drum that says "Woodleigh". (If you cross the Wild River or reach Innot Hot Springs, you've gone too far).
3. Follow the dirt road for about 3.5 kilometres. Turn left before the cattle yards and go through two open gates. You'll see the homestead gardens on the left (opposite the sand pit); walk under the huge bougainvillea vine to find reception.
You've now reached Woodleigh Station and we hope you enjoy your stay.